Because of age difference we had different worlds and different lifestyles. However we were always near each other (same address.) I always said out of the 4 of us kids you and I were alike and you agreed! We are the oldest of each set the scorpio and the leo. Mom use to say she never had to worry about you and I! We were the independent ones , the fiesty ones, the innovative do our own thing ones, We were the we dont need marriage and or partner to make us happy, we can live alone cause we cant deal with the drama ones. We were the political and socially outspoken ones.
All my memories of you will always be of when me and Donald were kids and mom worked . You were the best big brother ever chasing us around the house , scarying us , playing games. Even now you know how to make everyone laugh to the point of pain in the stomach and not being able to breath.
I love you and felt really hurt of your passing because I had just moved to Korea a month and half ago and had wanted to fly you here to visit me eventually. You kissed me my last week in Chicago and said you loved me and take care and stay intouch and I thought for sure I would see you when I returned home for summer. I wanted you to continue to follow my journey in korea via facebook . I still have your messages on my cell phone here. It wont ever be the same at home in chicago again . Your apartment downstairs from mines is a big empty space. Now that you are gone its a huge void in everyones life . The earth seemed to move and shift and something just doesnt feel right to all of us without you here.
Do know that you are loved? Thank you for visiting me in spirit and please look out for mom! Cause we are looking out for Kinzie!
Love you -your little sister-Scoogie! lol (I hated when you called me that cause you know thats not the nick name mom gave me)